Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Digital TV Recorders - Farewell to the VCR

I remember a time when the VCR was at the cutting edge of technology. It seemed wondrous that we could actually record programmes to to watch whenever we wanted and not be restricted to whenever the TV schedulers thought we should be watching. The only problems were the ever increasing pile of cassettes we accumulated and the fact that they only had a limited life - record over them a few times and first the sound would deteriorate and then the picture quality. And then there was the risk of accidentally recording over something that you really wanted to keep.

Digital TV recorders overcome all of these problems, and the newer ones have a large memory so you need not worry about running out of space. They usually allow you to do things like pause live TV so you can go and answer the phone, make a drink, or whatever else interrupts your usual viewing, and not miss anything. Also they often now have other features like being able to access music via the internet and some give you access to a video library.

Things have certainly moved on since the days of the VCR!!

Posted via email from marksblog's posterous

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