Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Do We Really Need to Recyle?

Of course we all know we should recyle more, but really is it that important? What is the point of recycling anyway? Well, for me it is a simple equation; the earth's resources are finite and we slow the use of these resources by recycling. We should recycle because we can. However, this is often easier said than done on an individual basis as we are dependent upon the local authorities to provide the resources to allow us to recycle our rubbish. Most authorities provide some sort of provision for paper, card, some plastics, some metals and glass.

There are other steps that we can take though. For example, sending empty ink catridges away for recycling - there are some charities who can make a little money through this. Likewise, there are companies that will buy your old mobile phone from you, or, again, there are some charities that can make a little money through recycling phones.

Another thing that we can all do to reduce rubbish that goes off to landfill, is to start a compost heap. Through putting your kitchen waste into your compost you can recyle this by replenishing the soil in your garden.

So, by taking small steps such as this we can all make a difference.

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