Saturday, February 13, 2010

Was Ed Wood the Worst Movie Director of All Time?

Ed Wood was making movies from the1950s through to the 1970s. He was dedicated to his craft, but unfortunately he really was not very good at it! His most "successful" movies were horror movies, many of which starred Bela Lugosi. Since his death, many of Wood's movies have been re-discovered and become "cult classics", in the so bad they are good sense.

Ed Wood's life and early work were immortalised in Tim Burton's movie entitled simply, "Ed Wood", which stars Johnny Depp.

Here is a clip from Wood's "classic" Glen or Glenda:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is the Point of Astrology?

Astrology is an ancient belief system. For centuries there have been people who believe that our lives are affected in some way by for the formation of the stars above us. Today, millions of people look to astrology in some form to guide them; this varies from people who study it in great depth to those who take a passing interest in reading predictions in newspapers. Most people are aware of their star sign and will read with interest how this affects their personality and how this makes them as a person.

To me this makes no sense. How can it be that bodies of gas that are light years away have any influence on us at all? They are too far away to exert any gravitational pull on us and certainly not provide any heat. In fact many are so far away that it takes so long to reach earth that the star no longer exists by the time it reaches here. The stars that form the specfic constellations that are synonomous with astrology are in fact light years away from each other. They may appear to be close together viewed from here on earth, but that is because from our vantage point there are viewed in two dimensions; if we were to view them in three dimensions would tell a different story.

Perhaps I am just a cynic. But then as a Scorpio, what do you expect?!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Do We Really Need to Recyle?

Of course we all know we should recyle more, but really is it that important? What is the point of recycling anyway? Well, for me it is a simple equation; the earth's resources are finite and we slow the use of these resources by recycling. We should recycle because we can. However, this is often easier said than done on an individual basis as we are dependent upon the local authorities to provide the resources to allow us to recycle our rubbish. Most authorities provide some sort of provision for paper, card, some plastics, some metals and glass.

There are other steps that we can take though. For example, sending empty ink catridges away for recycling - there are some charities who can make a little money through this. Likewise, there are companies that will buy your old mobile phone from you, or, again, there are some charities that can make a little money through recycling phones.

Another thing that we can all do to reduce rubbish that goes off to landfill, is to start a compost heap. Through putting your kitchen waste into your compost you can recyle this by replenishing the soil in your garden.

So, by taking small steps such as this we can all make a difference.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My New Blog

Welcome to a Hitchiker's Guide to Everything! Within this blog I intend to share my thoughts on, well pretty much anything interests me really. I hope to cover a range of diverse subjects and I hope that these will be of interest to you to. I am currently looking for subjects to cover and hopefully within the coming months (or longer) I will be able to share knowledge and thoughts on anything that sparks my interest. I am hoping that the net result will not be too random, but we will see as time goes on.